
“There is no one killer app. And there\’s no one killer connected solution. At the end of the day you\’re going to have connected devices around you and once you start integrating those together and putting together a full story around it. Then I think light bulbs are going to go off.”

Things on the Internet with Justin Grammens More »

“I found success over this decade because I want the individuals in my board or on my teams to succeed in their world. And then I believe if they\’re succeeding. I\’ll continue to find those connections that will help actually everybody succeed.”

Building a Coalition with Dan Collison More »

“When we\’re going through our experiment process, we think in terms of like low-fidelity, medium-fidelity and high-fidelity. You know the levels of risk and reversibility increase as the fidelity increases. So really outlining that and being clear with our business partners has helped a ton.”

The \”Two-Way Door\” of Innovation with Brandon Jernigan More »