
“We get the title and that makes us a leader and so now we can be a leader forever. But we\’re not really done because every situation is different what we\’re going to deal with is different. So that\’s why I talk about leaders are learners it\’s because you constantly have to be learning from other people.”

Leadership vs Management with Jaime Taets More »

“My kind of mode is to create allies in people, you know in the department\’s I go into who were the allies we\’re going to take this on. It\’s going to become there like kind of motivating charge and then they\’re going to go and want to motivate other people.”

The Change Agent with Tom Horgen More »

Jeff Lash, Vice President of Product Management Research and Advisory Services for SiriusDecisions joins me to discuss the role of the Product Manager and why there is not as much clarity around the job

The Product Management Coach – Jeff Lash More »