Change Management

“When you take a look at what COVID has cost this country, we had to shut down our economy. We have businesses that are now out of business. We have people that got sick that didn\’t need to get sick because we didn\’t have PPE and people that died that didn\’t need to die because we didn\’t have PPE. Hospitals lost millions, people were laid off, unemployment is through the roof. All because hospitals couldn\’t deal with the influx of COVID and supply chain was caught off-guard. So hospitals are going to have to change the way they do things now in order to avoid this ever happening again.”

Reimagining the Healthcare Supply Chain with John Freund More »

Michael Levine, author of \”People Over Process: Leadership for Agility\” joins us to discuss how agile transformations happen at the cultural level before any process overhauls can successfully happen.

The Agile Narrative with Michael Levine More »

“In product work, we\’re not managing it to end on time on budget meeting all the requirements… we\’re instead managing it to last to endure. That\’s how I think of the difference between a project and a product. You manage a project to end… you manage a product to endure.”

Navigating Product Politics with Jason Scherschligt More »

“Once I start to understand you better as a whole person and I start to say, okay, what are your goals and aspirations and pain points at what keeps you up at night? And how can I help you sleep and how can I help you? Achieve those goals. How can I remove the obstacles from your life you start to get into human empowerment stuff and you start to get into the domains that\’s social innovators and entrepreneurs do.”

Social Innovation with Carlos Abler More »